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Old 03-15-2018, 06:13 PM   #21
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Or simply for a properly secured entryway and a lack of easy access to a Bushmaster XM-15.
Major Hasan used a handgun, and killed 13 soldiers, shot 30 more. I have stated many times that I am convinced there is a reason why a lot of these kooks choose weapons that look like the AR-15, but you or I could walk into an elementary school with a handgun and easily kill 20. I'm not saying I like the AR-15. I'm saying you can make a compelling argument, that banning them, might not do much. But it might save SOME lives (see what I did there? I mentioned the pro AND the con - try it sometime, I promise that your brain won't explode, you might even like how it feels to show some intellectual honesty).

As to the entryway, how did Cruz get in? I never learned that...But my school is secure, has one locked door with a buzzer. I can make up a lot of different stories to get in. I've gone in the middle of the day, rung the buzzer, and told whoever answered that my son forgot his saxophone and I was there to drop it off. They don't confirm before they buzz me in. But security is of course, part of it.

I wouldn't arm teachers. I'd have soldiers.
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