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Old 03-16-2018, 07:59 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
And I know a few dozen families in Newtown, who would gouge their own eyes out, for the teachers there to have been armed.
When you say you know them, do you know them? I don't know a few dozen, but I do personally know people who lost a child, a former colleague who lost a child, and have a good friend who had kids in Sandy Hook School that day and I have NEVER heard them say they wish the teachers were armed. Pretty sure you are making that up and it is a pretty egregious thing to state that if you don't actually know it. I understand the sentiment you are referring to, but many of those parents have dedicated their lives to preventing it happening to other people and I don't know one of them who is promoting armed teachers. I do know some of them are appalled by the idea.

No, no, no. we’re 30… 30, three zero.
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