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Old 03-19-2018, 08:37 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
so explain to everyone how you would have prevented this tragedy
This is current day liberalism, this is almost all that it is. It's not about solving problems by addressing the root cause, it's about finding a boogeyman to rally against, and creating the illusion that everyone who isn't on the side of the liberals, is in bed with the's about creating divisiveness, that's all it is.

Want secure borders? You must by a xenophobe.
Opposed to Black Lives Matter? You are a racist.
Think Christian bakers have constitutional rights? You are a homophobe.
Think unborn babies are precious? You are a sexist who hates women.
Think Islamic jihadists are an issue? You are an Islamophobe.
Think schools should not be promoting liberal rallies during school time, but instead should be, I don't know, teaching? You don't care about dead kids. Shame on you Scott. Shame on you.
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