Thread: Россия
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Old 03-19-2018, 04:32 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Sounds like the Obama campaign was using available methods at the time while the firm Trump employed tricked users into providing information by claiming it was for research.

Not the same.
No, it's not the same. Facebook willingly allowed the data mining of its users by the Obama administration. Not sure why that is ethical or not misleading. It sounds like Facebook allowed itself to be politicized, in spite of its unbiased face to the public. Kinda tricky, dontcha think?

If Cambridge Analytica used trickery, BECAUSE IT WAS NOT ALLOWED ACCESS AS WAS O's ADMIN., then trickery was necessary in order to have the same access. And trickery is not a crime.

But I get it. If you prefer the goose to the gander, then it's OK if the goose does it.
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