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Old 03-30-2018, 11:07 AM   #97
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think he's earned the right to drop a few f bombs. The pushback isn't because he swore in an interview, it's because some see him as a threat.
"I think he's earned the right to drop a few f bombs."

About what happened, sure. Directed at everyone who disagrees with him? It shows precisely why it's a bad idea to let traumatized children shape public policy.

"The pushback isn't because he swore in an interview, it's because some see him as a threat"

Nobody sees him as a threat, just an annoyance, a profane, vulgar annoyance. I feel horrible for him, the lefty media is using him as a sock puppet, and he's buying into it hook, line and sinker, he thinks he's Rosa Parks. When they no longer have any use for him and they cast him off, he may not handle it well. No one seems to be looking out for his long term interests.
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