Thread: Trump vs Amazon
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Old 04-02-2018, 06:18 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
how can he attack them for not paying their fair share of taxes when he just cut the corporate tax rate ..

or was it sarcasm

but Oil companies are drilling along Mining company's on public land pay only $1.50 an acre per year to do so.. bargain prices give private companies a windfall while depriving American taxpayers of a fair return from energy production.

but he goes after amazon
"how can he attack them for not paying their fair share of taxes when he just cut the corporate tax rate ..'

Many, not you, would say the new corporate tax rate is more than fair. Your pension, I promise, is benefitting from corporations being more profitable. But if your moral compass can't get on the same page, you can donate the extra money that Trumps policies have put into your pension, by voluntarily paying higher taxes. Let us know when you get around to doing that.

"bargain prices give private companies a windfall"

Good lord man, and the private sector employees who benefit, pay the taxes that fund your salary. So that's good for you. You can't see that?
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