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Old 04-13-2018, 04:01 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
The term has existed for a long time. There are various but similar versions of it. Mainstream media mostly like to discredit the idea. But credible sources including those who were once part of it have written or done videos describing the phenomenon of the American Deep State, and their analyses have been pretty much in agreement. Here are two articles, the first being the shorter one, and the second being longer and more detailed:


Peter Dale Scott's book "The American Deep State" is often cited as an excellent informative source. Sheldon Wolin talks about it. Even David Halberstam briefly mentions it in his "The Best and the Brightest."

There are some good youtube videos (the positive ones) including some by Kevin Shipp such as this (it comes in three parts):

However, after he started out as a whistleblower on his own, he had major personal problems. an addiction, according to Shipp, that the CIA deliberately placed him in a contaminated house that caused all his assets to be destroyed. As a result, he sued the CIA in 2001.

he is sounding alarms about geoengineering programs, vaccines and the autism link, the 9/11 false flag terror event and how our food supply is poisoned with genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

again your source's are lets say questionable but perfect if your a conspiracy theorist
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