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Old 04-16-2018, 07:15 AM   #21
Very Grumpy bay man
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
Clammer will relate to this story. My early spring freshwater spot has only 2-3 spots where you can park a truck/trailer, so I pull in early this morning and in addition to a couple small trailers, there is a small two door toyota coup parked in the only other spot for a trailer. I had to cram the truck in as best I could and after pulling the Yak off the trailer, literally drag the trailer to the side so as to not block others coming and going.

Met one of the boaters and asked if he knew who owned the coup and he knew it was a couple guys in a crawdad. Saw them coming 3 hours later on an electric trolling motor and pedal over as ask who owned the coup and after the nod, I mentioned there were a dozen spots you could have parked, it would have been considerate not to take up the remaining trailer spot. OMG this guy goes nuts and when I say nuts, I mean crazy nuts. I think if he were under power in a bass boat, I'd have been in trouble, so now I know he is heading back to the ramp and it will be easy for him to determine my trailer.

At this point he has used every swear word a dozen times, called me over so he can kick my ass, so I decided keeping a truck or trailer from damage was more important than fishing. I easily beat him back to the dirt ramp, but not with enough time to load and beat feet to avoid a confrontation. So lucky me I get to endure another 30 minutes of out and out rage from this lunatic and try as I might to have a civil discussion; it just got him more furious that I wasn't willing to come ashore so he could kick my butt. At 65 with a bad back, I don't go ashore to see if I can trade blows with a 6'2 lunatic 40 year old, who probably went 230 and not around the waste.

He wanted me to come ashore in the worst way and it reminded me about a night on a river with Clammer and while I probably saved us both from physical harm that night by not heading back to the ramp; I did come in to find my tire slashed. Heard later from the local game warden he was a crazy SOB and we were lucky not to have gone ashore to confront him.

Boy you would think you could talk to a fellow fisherman, but sadly I've found that isn't the case when stupid and angry mix. The two other boaters were sympathetic and agreed the guy was not only a mental case (they both hear him from 50 yards away) and that they too were bumped the best trailer spot out of the 3 had a two door coup in it when they arrived.

Crazy drunk boaters running right over your gear and spooling your reels, insane lobsterman threatening you because your fishing his 15 acre ledge, finding slashed tires at a local bass pond because you might have parked in someones secret spot, the nutty night with Clammer and the hits keep coming. I'm glad he wasn't packing a side arm, because frankly I'm not sure he wasn't prepared to use it. I let the guy in the 16 foot vhull pull out first, because I frankly wasn't sure this clown wasn't driving a few blocks away to give me time to get on shore, so he could make the return trip. I hate crap like this, because it makes you think twice about hitting your favorite spring spot, time to keep it to weekdays like I try to.
Terrible. I was never that crazy and was always respectful of other fisherman. I did have a guy pull a gun on me on the West Wall one year when I accused him of keeping short fish. Pointed a 9MM Glock in my face and asked me what I was going to do about it. Thank God this was before I had my Concealed Carry Permit or there would have been an incident, rest assured.

No boat, back in the suds.
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