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Old 04-20-2018, 11:04 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I don't think I'd ascribe much of that to Trump aside for the ambitious part, but it would be hard to feed that ego without some drive.

That is such a disgusting, squirmy, biased opinion.

"Some" drive? "feed that ego"--what feeds yours? Oh that's right, you don't have an ego, you're neutral. You don't "ascribe" to much of that? It doesn't take talent and courage to do what he has done? To create a multi-billion dollar, worldwide business, going from defeat to victory. To defeat several "talented" politicians on a stage in front of a nation. To battle with a mainstream opposition Press in front of the nation? To become President of the United States against all odds? Oh, yeah, Plame is so much more accomplished, talented and courageous than Trump. If you "ascribe" to that, your ascription is questionable at best. More likely, its worthless and obviously prejudiced.

And Trump is not patriotic? He is pushing for policies that return wealth and jobs to our country. He is fighting for tax and regulatory policies that keep more money in the hands of or citizens and loosen the onerous stranglehold government has on our businesses. He strengthens our military.

But he has this past of consensual sex outside of marriage and infidelity during marriage that other Presidents and billionaires and many or most men don't have. Er . . . maybe they do. But, even so, he's a really bad guy. So he must not be courageous, talented, or patriotic.

Libby may have been a fall guy but that doesn't absolve him from what the grand jury found.
It shouldn't have gotten to a grand jury. Fitzgerald knew that Scooter didn't out Plame.
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