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Old 04-30-2018, 12:44 PM   #39
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Where did you get race out of that?
Income inequality is real and capital is somewhat finite, less so now that we do not have a gold standard.
But capital has been flowing to the people at the very top(think 1%) and has accelerated. It's not just the latest administrations fault, but the tax change did not help. I'm sure the Waltons deserve it, after all they spread 2% out among their employees.
"Where did you get race out of that?" You make it seem like liberals care a lot about helping the poor. If that's true, why did all the democrats sit there with scowls on their faces, when Trump proclaimed that black unemployment was at record lows?

"Income inequality is real "

It sure is. Here in ultra-liberal CT, it is real and getting worse.

"and capital is somewhat finite"

Wealth is not finite. There is no hard cap to what GDP can be. If Warren Buffet earns another $1 million today, that doe snot mean there's a million less for you ad me to scrounge for. Wealthy people are good for the economy. They pay taxes on some of that wealth, they invest some of it, they spend some of it, they give some to charity. All of those things, help the economy. And except in the case of thieves, they aren't taking anything away from anyone else.

How would you deal with this? Would you pass a law saying that once someone achieves a certain net worth, that they can no longer work or invest?

"But capital has been flowing to the people at the very top(think 1%) and has accelerated"

It always does. And it doesn't negatively effect me or you, one bit. One person's wealth doesn't cause another person's poverty.

"sure the Waltons deserve it"

I didn't say that. I said that if the Waltons lost it all in the stock market tomorrow and became poor, I don't see how that helps anyone else.
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