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Old 05-02-2018, 01:56 PM   #79
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
It actually was not a dire warning about liberalism, but about the welfare system breaking up the nuclear family. He proposed along with other moderate politicians, of both parties, a Guaranteed Annual Income. This would make it so that if you were down and out, for whatever reason, you would be helped. But it would be advantageous to you financially to work. The current system penalizes recipients for working by it's all or nothing approach. Just more evil moderate stuff.
"It actually was not a dire warning about liberalism, but about the welfare system breaking up the nuclear family."

Who was advocating for the welfare that broke up the black nuclear family? The Tea Party? The Amish? Or Democrats?

For you and Spence, every post boils down to conservative=bad., liberal=good. Always, no exceptions.
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