Thread: Texas Shooting
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Old 05-22-2018, 05:06 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
You hit the nail on the head, gun's are not the problem, although access by these troubled teens is. Parents just get a pass on being miserable at one of the most important jobs of their lives and kids today just don't value life like we older generations do.
Unfortunately we can't pass legislation that makes people behave responsibly.

I'd like to see what percentage of mass shooters (or for that matter, what percentage of all murderers) were raised in homes where ...

(1) there are two parents committed to the kids
(2) one parent stays at home raising the kids when they are little, and watches them like hawks and loves them like crazy
(3) families eat dinner together most nights at the dining room table, with all electronics turned off, where everyone listens to each other and gives a damn about what everyone else says
(4) where the kids know that no matter what, their parents love them
(5) where the entire family goes to church once in awhile, and talks together about what was said.
(6) where the kids are involved in SOME activity besides watching TV, be it sports, music, scouting, drama, whatever. And the parents make every effort to be at every practice/performance.

I'd be willing to bet that a staggering low % of murderers come from these types of homes. So you can't help but wonder, why one of the 2 major political parties, never stops mocking those values, and never stops saying that 'progress' is made by getting further and further away from those values.

That ideal sure ain't easy. It's not supposed to be. It's supposed to work...and in most cases, it does.
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