Thread: Texas Shooting
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Old 05-22-2018, 09:30 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post

Many on the left are fixated on solving this with gun restrictions, and common sense suggests that of all proposed solutions, gun solutions aren't going to reduce the body count as much as other solutions. But the folks who believe that the 2A is absolute aren't bending either.

Why should they bend? because banning an inanimate object has worked out so well in the past with prohibition and drugs etc. What makes them think it can even be accomplished without deaths on both sides

The pro 2A folks are going to have to throw everyone else a bone to get something done, and bump stocks and high capacity magazines are a likely offering.

Are you kidding? those people have been and will continue to pick away piece by piece until everything is not allowed, don't you get it? Swalwell and the other nutcases are not the kind of people you comprimise ANYTHING.

We can argue all day long about all the ways to kill people without bump stocks and high capacity magazines, but how do we look at our kids if we do nothing? By treating them with respect and communicating with intelligence informing of the right thing to do. Society has gone into lalaland where everything is given to them like ............... ah forget it, you know what has happened How?
We are doing something, but it is never enough

The United States Constitution does not exist to grant you rights; those rights are inherent within you. Rather it exists to frame a limited government so that those natural rights can be exercised freely.

1984 was a warning, not a guidebook!

It's time more people spoke up with the truth. Every time we let a leftist lie go uncorrected, the commies get stronger.
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