Thread: Samantha Bee?
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Old 06-01-2018, 03:30 PM   #1
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"Unemployment has been dropping since 2009 and continued on the same line. I don't see where there was a significant change in data."

For the second time, it's harder to lower unemployment when it's already low. Think of a golfer. When he starts golfing, he shoots 150 for 18 holes. every month, he takes 1 stroke off his game. I sit just as easy to go from 150 to 149, as it is to go from 75 to 74? No.

"Hopefully your advisor is telling you to be conservative at this point."

I am my financial advisor. I'm glad I wasn't conservative for the last 18 months, boy. I have a very aggressive portfolio, with safeguards to see everything that drops by 20%, that's the most I can lose. Many in the market are a lot more confident than you are. I don't know anyone whose advisor told them to dump stocks and go conservative.

"Look at the Dow and the rate of rise preceding each big drop, compare them to the last year. See any similarities?"

Sure, the market is high, we are due (overdue, maybe) for a recession.

"Trumps middle east policy and actions have nothing to do with fuel prices?"

I literally know almost nothing about what drives oil prices. I know at one point they were very high under Obama, and I bet you didn't criticize him for it.

"Your not spending $200 a month more in fuel and food?"

Again, when Obama was POTUS, I saw a huge gasoline spike, and I didn't have $200 a month more in my pocket to offset it.

" don't know what it has to do with liberals and conservatives"

You are the one making it about liberals or conservatives, you can't say anything good about Trump.

He also just passed a law saying that gravely ill patients can choose to use experimental drugs that aren't formally approved by the FDA yet. Why wasn't that a law 200 years ago? Trump fixed it.
A golfer would have to work very hard to reduce his handicap.
Show me what hard work the Trump administration did?
What does this have to do with Obama?
Because I have nothing good to say about Trump makes me what?
What does it make George Will?
He just signed a law that may help a few terminally ill people. It is not the panacea that some politicians would lead you to believe. Do a little research and you will see it is not so simple. Ask your physician and then ask what they think about the following.
We could save far more people by making sure people can have primary care before things progress to further stages than giving them some hope when they are on their last legs. And for far less money than we currently spend.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

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