Thread: Samantha Bee?
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Old 06-01-2018, 05:09 PM   #2
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
A golfer would have to work very hard to reduce his handicap.
Show me what hard work the Trump administration did?
What does this have to do with Obama?
Because I have nothing good to say about Trump makes me what?
What does it make George Will?
He just signed a law that may help a few terminally ill people. It is not the panacea that some politicians would lead you to believe. Do a little research and you will see it is not so simple. Ask your physician and then ask what they think about the following.
We could save far more people by making sure people can have primary care before things progress to further stages than giving them some hope when they are on their last legs. And for far less money than we currently spend.
'Show me what hard work the Trump administration did?" He is known to work insanely long hours.

" Because I have nothing good to say about Trump makes me what?"


"What does it make George Will"

Stupid and short-sighted (and I really liked him)

"He just signed a law that may help a few terminally ill people. It is not the panacea that some politicians would lead you to believe"

Name ONE PERSON who said it's going to be anything like a panacea. Name ONE. It gives people another choice, a bit more hope. Would a speck of honesty, a tiny sliver of a speck, really be too much for this president?

I hated Obama. Hated him. I think he's a rotten person and a rotten president. But he gets good marks from me in regards to beating back the effects of the crash, deportations, killing Bin Laden, etc... I can be honest, give credit where it's due, and still despise him.
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