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Old 06-05-2018, 06:21 PM   #86
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
House was flat. As for local stuff I see you're not posting any data.
Dems controlled the house after the 2008 election, and had a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. I have no idea what you are talking about, you're just making up jibberish now.

"I see you're not posting any data'

Even as biased as you are, I assumed you already knew this. But OK...

Here's a quote from the above NPR article, is that too right wing for you?

"Every president sees his party lose hundreds of positions — it's the price a party holding the White House pays — but no president has come close to Obama. During Obama's eight years in office, the Democrats have lost more House, Senate, state legislative and governors seats than under any other president.

When Obama took office, there were 60 Democratic senators; now there are 46. The number of House seats held by Democrats has shrunk from 257 to 188.

There are now nine fewer Democratic governors than in 2009. Democrats currently hold fewer elected offices nationwide than at any time since the 1920s."

Spence, you said the house seats were flat under Obama, NPR says the democrats dropped from 257 to 188. I don't know how good or bad you are at math, but in your world, does 257 = 188??

Have fun with that. And the NPR stats DON'T take into account the 2018 thumping.

Not your best showing Spence, not your best showing...
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