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Old 06-06-2018, 12:28 PM   #36
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I never said they didn't lose any seats, just if you look at it across the two terms it was pretty flat. The bigger point is there's little correlation between dem losses and your vastly superior ideology. The dems did manage to hold onto a lot of significant government control under Obama and the local numbers can be accounted by a variety of means per the articles your referenced. Most of this stuff just flips back and forth every so often anyway.
"I never said they didn't lose any seats, just if you look at it across the two terms it was pretty flat"

The Democrats lost 69 seats, according to NPR. That's not "pretty flat" by any sane definition.

"The bigger point is there's little correlation between dem losses and your vastly superior ideology."

Sure, sure, all those people voted for republicans specifically because they prefer liberalism to conservatism.

"Most of this stuff just flips back and forth every so often anyway"

NPR said no one comes close to Obama, in terms of losses.
You are correct, it goes back and forth. In 2008, the GOP got creamed, creamed all over the place, creamed as bad as you can get creamed.
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