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Old 06-12-2018, 08:26 AM   #60
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
You are totally, completely misinterpreting other peoples perspective because it makes you feel better about yourself.

The great irony is that the repubelicans supposedly hate deficits and complain about them until THEY are in power.

The economy, wages, the stock market, have been growing for almost a decade on a nearly even trajectory following near catastrophe, but now after 1 year of Trump policies, it is the best economy ever. How bout you have some intellectual honesty and see what the long term effects of his policies are before we puff our tail feathers.
"You are totally, completely misinterpreting other peoples perspective "

I see. So when the same people who celebrated low unemployment and stock gains, are now deriding those things, I am just too stupid to see the acumen behind their genius. Gotcha.

"it makes you feel better about yourself. "

Wrong again. It just makes me sad, not better about myself.

"The great irony is that the repubelicans supposedly hate deficits and complain about them until THEY are in power. "

I could follow your lead and say that you are misinterpreting them, but you are right, the hypocrisy exists on both sides.

"The economy, wages, the stock market, have been growing for almost a decade "

And I have always given Obama credit for that.

"now after 1 year of Trump policies, it is the best economy ever."

Not the best ever. But using the same exact criteria that made the Obama economy a good economy (low unemployment, healthy stock returns), the Trump economy is better than what he inherited. Not the best ever, but better than Obama's. Try making that wrong - you can't, you just can't.

"How bout you have some intellectual honesty and see what the long term effects of his policies are before we puff our tail feathers"

again, hypocrisy. Liberals weren't waiting for long term impacts of Obama's policies before they declared him a great POTUS. You have very different standards for judging presidents, depending on which party they are in. I use the same standards, or at least try to.
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