Thread: IG Report
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Old 06-17-2018, 01:51 PM   #52
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Under federal law, it is a crime for anyone to enter into the US without the approval of an immigration officer -- it's a misdemeanor offense But again comparing Inmates and separating them from their children is just another False equivalence the right love to use to justify an action

they even brought the bible in to the argument

I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13 to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order,” said Sessions

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I wish the pro-life community would get as upset with ripping a child from his mother's arms as the community does over ripping a child from his mother's womb. The illegal act should not be met with the evil act of separating a child from his parents

If this is supposed to be a deterrent, perhaps the government should just kill the kids. After all, if taking children from parents is a deterrent, surely killing the children will be even more of a deterrent. At this point we're just arguing about degrees of evil and monstrous acts.
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