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Old 06-20-2018, 07:18 PM   #20
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again facts matter

There is no federal law that stipulates that children and parents be separated at the border, no matter how families entered the United States. An increase in child detainees separated from parents stemmed directly from a change in enforcement policy repeatedly announced by Sessions in April and May 2018, under which adults (with or without children) are criminally prosecuted for attempting to enter the United States:

And now Trump created the issue(blamed others) and now he gives himself credit for fixing the issue he created

we didn't even separate kids in the Japanese interment camps ... no one is saying dont stop people crossing illegally or dont detain Them ... the argument that their parents are putting them in Danger is weak compared to where they came from.... They are taking huge risks to improve their children's future and their own.. You cant fault them for trying .. would any of us do any less if we were backed in a corner or in their shoes ???
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