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Old 06-21-2018, 08:04 AM   #32
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
One used the children as pawns admittedly for political reasons, claimed they had no choice, that others were making them do it and then said: Oh we can save the children with an executive order, look what I did, hooray for me.
I it's not the act of separating families that's bad, it's the motive behind it. Naturally, according to you, Trump has a sinister motive and Obama had a humanitarian motive.

How does the motive of the sitting President, thousands of miles away, effect the trauma that the child goes through, when removed from his parents?

See, I keep hearing about how bad it is for kids to be separated from their parents - period. Unlike you, I'm not smart enough to know that being pulled from your parents, is only traumatic for a toddler, if the sitting president has sleazy motives.

Pete, just say it...just say publicly, "I can never criticize Obama, and I can never compliment Trump". we all know it.
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