Originally Posted by Jim in CT
Are any of these things anywhere near as important, as policy?
Trump's political skill is beyond measure, otherwise Hilary would be POTUS. The biggest jerk ever, beat (crushed) the most inevitable candidate ever.
Trump maybe has the lowest emotional intelligence (whatever that is) ever, but who cares. I mean he's embarrassing, but I'd rather have an effective jerk than a decent guy who is clueless.
You could have the greatest policy in the world but history won't care if it only is in thought.
Political skill is more than getting elected.
You need to be able to get enough of a group to be able to enact thru legislation the things you want and not give up too much. If you don't get the legislation the next guy can wipe your work off the board. Look at the last president.
Here's a definition for you, success however is always subject to definition.
e·mo·tion·al in·tel·li·gence
the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.
"emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success"