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Old 06-27-2018, 11:05 AM   #138
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Originally Posted by JohnR View Post
If Schadenfreude were enough, it alone would be worth it for many. But it does take the edge off.

I do not know what will be worse for the Republic; Trump or Trump Derangement Syndrome though I am thinking the latter.

If Ted Cruz had one it would have been similar though not as vocal, if Romney had won a few years back, similar but less intense.

On a party basis, the right was very critical of Obama but not hysterical in emotion as the left is for Trump.
What glasses are you seeing this thru because I need a pair .... at what point will his actions be seen as his actions and not as hysterical emotion from the left ??

I have stated this before the left is not attacking Trump on imaginary events like the birther issue or he is really a Muslim or he bowed or forgot to salute some one.. Trumps actions are very real and spoken and have a direct impact

but seeing you can rationalize the right treatment of obama stolen court appointments 8 years of obstruction as the right only basis was being critical... is totally devoid of facts in an attempt to re write history
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