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Old 07-02-2018, 08:18 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Of course she is part of the lefts apparatus
Just remember he’s the guy who said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and you’d still support him.
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I can understand using the same tactic to discredit that portion of the press that it uses to discredit him. If leftist press is free to put out whatever language it can to bring him down, as some have admitted to doing, Trump is just as free to return the favor.

What's so hard to understand about that?

The Progressive press knows well the consequence to its agenda if Trump can succeed in having his agenda passed. It was predicted that it would go all out, non-stop, to bring him down. And it has been exactly that, an everyday negative story, many exaggerated, hanging on the thin edge of reality, many totally wrong. Without an equal response, he might well have been forced to quit due to the unanswered perception of him cast by the media.

The notion that the press is unbiased has been discredited in the past decade or two. Those of us who are on various forms of the "right" have known it long before that. The mainstream media used to claim it was unbiased. We knew that to be untrue. Now, everyone knows there is a biased divide in leftist and rightist media.

And the rhetoric is no longer couched in careful words meant to sound impartial. It is divisive, harsh, biased, and purposely meant to destroy the opposition. This has been brewing to a boiling point, and the fire was started long before Trump.

Trump presents an existential threat to the left. It will try to destroy him in any way it can get away with.

And the leftist notion that he is attacking The Press is a lie conjured to cast Trump as a villain who is about destroying a hallowed institution. He specifically verbally attacks FAKE NEWS, not The Press.

Last edited by detbuch; 07-02-2018 at 08:32 AM..
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