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Old 07-02-2018, 05:41 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
So in a nut shell media bias is another manufactured lie from the far far right that has now gained wide support thru out the GOP and its Supporters ... if all we had was CNN and FOX it would be a wash

It's not a lie. Your source (World Press Freedom?) says that all the media you listed have a bias left or right. And they all use loaded words which attempt to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes.

Not mentioned is editorial slant. What is "factual reporting"? Do any report extensively on all "facts"? For instance, is there extensive reporting on the jailing of Tommy Robinson or on the facts he has been bringing to light?

But the rest of the press listed have Factual Reporting some a little bias both ways.... But for Trump and his supporters its all Fake lies made to discredit him... 9 out 10 report the same story Trump supporters are going with the 10ths versions of events aka FOX
9 out of 10 report the same story? Is there some collusion that they choose to reflect each other? Or are they motivated by the same bias?

Has anyone rated World Press Freedom? Does it have a bias?

You lie when you say "But for Trump and his supporters its all Fake lies made to discredit him..." It's not ALL fake news, but much of it is, including minimization or omission of positive news re Trump.
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