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Old 07-03-2018, 06:24 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
9 out of 10 report the same story? Is there some collusion that they choose to reflect each other? Or are they motivated by the same bias? if there is 1 story reported on multiple stations Thats not Bias if their were 10 cars involved in the accident and its reported as such thats how News works.

Has anyone rated World Press Freedom? Does it have a bias? is that how you dispute their information just call it Bias ? and the truth goes away ?? Facts are facts bias only help change the story in ones mind you demonstrate that skill often (see comment above )

You lie when you say "But for Trump and his supporters its all Fake lies made to discredit him..." It's not ALL fake news, but much of it is, including minimization or omission of positive news re Trump.

Now that is a Dear leader comment if i have ever heard one .. and here i thought right leaning people were against the every deserves a trophy .... if you need the media to show Trump in a positive image of report positive news of Trump . move to Russia or North Korea where they are very good at it. or have him actually do or say some positive things...
Is there a personal or intellectual line Trump can not cross ?? or are you just willing to shelve morals, personal integrity, and comon decency to get a crumb that may fall off Trumps Table

reference to Franklin D. Roosevelt,

“Should we go back to 16 years? Congressman, can we have that extended? The last time I jokingly said that, the papers started saying 'he's got despotic tendencies!' No, I'm not looking to do it, unless you want to do it.”

“He's now president for life. President for life,” Trump said of Xi. “No, he's great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to give that a shot someday.”

Sorry its not hyperbole when it comes from the POTUS
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