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Old 07-05-2018, 01:56 PM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Obama's divisiveness was largely driven by a large number of people who disliked him because he's black.

McCain would have like won if he didn't pick a running mate that was an instant SNL punching bag and tell everybody things are great when the recession was clearly coming. The Romney race was pretty close but it's hard to unseat an incumbent when things are going pretty well. But sure, blame the media, blame blame blame.

I don't think they'll be able to upstage the GOP's treatment of the FBI last week. My prediction is that it will be pretty civil.
"Obama's divisiveness was largely driven by a large number of people who disliked him because he's black. "

That crap, does more for Trump, than if you donated a million bucks to his campaign. Despite what liberals believe, it's actually possible to be both black and an azzhole. Obama was a world-class azzhole IMHO, and skin color has zip to do with why I feel that way.

"McCain would have like won if he didn't pick a running mate that was an instant SNL punching bag "

Absolutely wrong. After he picked Palin (before she imploded), he leapt ahead of Obama in the polls and stayed there until the economy crashed. After that , Lincoln could have been running with Reagan as his VP, and the GOP would have lost. You are wrong on the historical facts there

"The Romney race was pretty close but it's hard to unseat an incumbent when things are going pretty well"

True. Even harder when the media is portraying Romney as a heartless plutocrat because he's rich, and even better, a sexist because he - GASP! - kept resumes of talented women in a binder. So Bill Clinton is a feminist hero, but Mitt Romney is a sexist. That just makes all kinds of sense. And it's that "logic", that is why your party is in complete disarray right now.

A year after Obama won, the GOP obviously hated his agenda, but they had a message, a plan, and a way to communicate it (the Tea Party). And it worked spectacularly well, look at where the GOP is right now, compared to where they were on the day of Obamas inauguration. I cannot believe the comeback.

I don't see the Democrats - even with Trump's help - making that kind of comeback. If the nutjob who won the democrat house primary in NYC is the future of the democratic party, the GOP doesn't need me to send any more donations, they are all set. America likes their presidents (even jerks like Trump) to be moderate. We don't, in the aggregate, like radical liberals. Unless they are black and hip and very smooth talking and very likeable.

"But sure, blame the media, blame blame blame"

Have you seen the medias favorability ratings? I'm not making it all up.

"My prediction is that it will be pretty civil"

Tell that to Chris Matthews, who has been the Twilight Zone for a week. It can't be civil, because the liberal wing of the party is (1) growing, and (2) demanding action, and the moderates in the party can't afford to look weak in the eyes of the militant liberals. Imagine the no-win situation that moderate democrats senators are in, who are up for re-election in November, in states that Trump won big, like WV and ND. What are they supposed to do? If they support the nominee, the liberals go berserk, if they oppose the nominee, many of their state voters will go berserk. That's a pickle.
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