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Old 07-09-2018, 12:32 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Trump sounds a lot like Earl Woods, doesn't he
Woods served two combat tours during the Vietnam War, the first as an infantry officer, and the second with the elite United States Army Special Forces.[2]

After graduating from the Defense Information School and being promoted to lieutenant colonel, he was assigned as an instructor of Military Science & Tactics, (Army ROTC) at the City College of New York. He retired from active duty in 1974.[4]

Actually, a biography of Tiger Woods by Benedict and Keteyian starts out with:
"This biography begins the only way it probably could have: with the car accident at Woods’s home on the day after Thanksgiving in 2009 that precipitated his steep fall from grace. He groggily ran over hedges and curbs and smashed into a fire hydrant after his wife, Elin, who had learned of his adultery, apparently smashed his S.U.V. windows with a golf club.
At the time, Elin didn’t know the half of it. Woods’s paramours (strippers, waitresses, neighbors) began popping up from behind every swizzle stick."


"Woods’s parents, especially Earl Woods, Tiger’s father . . . raised a champion. They also raised a narcissistic loner who lacked basic decency. 'Even the most basic human civilities — a simple hello or thank you — routinely went missing from his vocabulary. A nod was too much to expect.' This book is littered with the bodies of those Woods cut out of his life without a thank you or goodbye — girlfriends, coaches, agents, caddies. If you stripped most of the golf out of this book, you might sometimes think you are reading the biography of a sociopath, a nonmurderous Tom Ripley or Patrick Bateman or Svidrigailov from 'Crime and Punishment.' Earl Woods, the worst kind of stage father, profited early and often from his son’s career. He was a liar and an adulterer. The later years of his life were particularly sordid. He hired multiple young women to attend to his needs. 'Pornography played steadily on the television,' the authors write. “Sex toys were stuffed in drawers, and sexual favors were performed at Earl’s request. ‘It was a house of horrors,’ recalled a former employee. ‘Every drawer. Every cabinet.’”

Trump sounds a lot like Bo also
Bobby Knight would be a better example.
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