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Old 07-09-2018, 02:00 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
So when he takes a shot at Elizabeth Warren (she’s not the issue) and then makes fun of the me too movement, I suppose the media should ignore that? In a few short minutes in his latest rally he takes a shot at one of his peers (his MO), then fires a shot at our NATO allies, while saying Putin is just fine, all while making fun of the women rallying in the me too movement and the media and we should ignore that?

It cuts both ways. When Warren or the media poke at him he pokes back. Even doubles down. If he is to be criticized for poking, so should those who poke him. Oh, that's right, Trump lies and Warren and the media don't.

No shock that he just gave a Fox exec a post, even though he too was accused of inappropriate behavior; but DJT I’m sure is in good company with all those execs leaving or being let go for inappropriate behavior. Unfortunately we have nobody above him to give him his pink slip.

Ferreting out inappropriate behavior has reached new heights of late. It's a way to disrupt or tear down. It's politics. There has been so much of it exposed or reputed that I have been desensitized to it. All I intensely care about re Trump is hoping that he can nominate judges to replace at least 2 or 3 more. But I understand your concern. I just don't care.

I guess you would agree with Trump when he says Kim is an honorable man,

I don't care. What Trump says about Kim doesn't interest me. The whole NK thing has become an exercise in stupidity that should never have been allowed to happen. There should be no NK. The Truman administration gave NK to the Commies to "balance" our presence there. They got NK, we got SK. Dumb move. Wasn't necessary. Now we're supposed to worry about what Trump says re Kim? Were we shaking in our boots about what all the previous administrations said about NK's leaders? What the hell did they all do about it? Anyway, if Trump is a liar, what are we to make of what he says about Kim or anything else. I suppose it would be best if he referred to Kim the way the Dems and media refer to Trump. That would really get the negotiations ball rolling on a good path.

that he believes Putin never authorized any election meddling,

He believes what he believes and you believe what you believe. I don't know what the truth is. And I don't care to get in your way of believing what you want to believe.

that all Mexicans are rapists and gang members

He didn't say that. And if you believe that he did, then I have no confidence in anything you believe.

and the me too movement is a political ploy to get the women vote out to oust this clown. I’m also have no doubt you believe there is no global warming and the crazy weather the past few years is just a fluke.

I don't know how you can be so positive about that which you know nothing about. But I don't care what you believe. If your beliefs remove your doubts and make you feel better, who am I to take away your security blanket? Believe to your hearts content, and may you persist in the good health that your beliefs provide.

I know you can’t stop posting to win every argument,

I declare that you have won this argument . . . if it can be called an argument. I don't think anything said by you nor I here can be considered an actual argument, but I concede. You're the winner. I sincerely hope that makes you feel better, or believe better, but I actually don't care. The only reason I'm responding (well, the main reason) is that it's fun.

but I’m not drinking the cool aid you and some others seem to be high on. Trump I’m certain pissed off many when cancelling all joint exercises with the South Koreans without getting anything other than what could be just another promise, can’t be any concerns with him meeting privately with Putin right��
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I can understand why you wouldn't want to drink the aid if its temperature is not to your preference. But, though I understand it, I don't care.
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