Thread: Judge Kavanaugh
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Old 07-10-2018, 04:25 PM   #43
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by DZ View Post
I understand. But the nomination of conservative SC justices is something that comes with winning the past election. If you win you get to call the shots and try and get your picks in. I remember a past president said something to the effect of "Elections have consequences". Kind of like that. Some people can go crazy but at the end of the day he may get his pick into the SC.
EXACTLY. I guess elections only have consequences when democrats win.

I get why the dems are pissed that Merrick Garland didn't get confirmed. But the American people freely chose to give control of the senate to the GOP, and common sense suggests that they didn't do so, so that they'd let Obama do whatever he wanted.

When the American people decide to give senate control back to the democrats (in other words, when we decide we'd all be better off with smaller paychecks), then the democrats can confirm whoever they want.
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