Thread: NATO
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Old 07-12-2018, 11:25 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Well be specific then
Do you believe we should be part of NATO

I've been very specific about my basic beliefs regarding the USA. I answer a lot of questions directed at me. You mostly shy away from direct answers. You like to make suggestions. I have tried to discuss a few threads you started and you just went away. I tried to be specific in your threads re health care. You brought up various worldwide statistics as if that was supposed to suggest some kind of specificity. And had no direct opinion, for instance on the market based clinics that were far more affordable than most of the world wide state models of health care that you suggested, I guess, could be copied.

So I am not inclined to answer questions by you since it seems to be a one way exercise. You ask, but you don't answer.

But I'll give it a try here. If Europe was really united, it would not need the U.S. to be a partner in defense against Russia. The EU has far more wealth and research capability than Russia. A united Europe that had the will and desire, should be able to militarily crush Russia. If it doesn't have the will and desire to defend itself, why should we spend blood and treasure to do it.

Our federal government should spend only on those things it is given the power to do under the Constitution. Military defense of the country is one of the main constitutional duties of the federal government. We should quit nationally spending trillions of dollars on funding our European style administrative state, and revert to being American. We should be powerful enough to defend ourselves against any threat.

And if anyone wishes to freely trade with us on a mutually advantageous basis, welcome. And if they join us as freedom loving, free market people, it could well be in our interest to mutually join in defensive or offensive alliances against those who wish to do us harm. But let it be known that there is zero tolerance for those who illegitimately harm one American. That we are willing and able to assert all out military might against those who would wrongly cut off the head of one American.

Right now, Europe is a mess imploding on itself. And that's not because of Trump or the U.S. The notion that Trump is undermining some notion of trust by sticking our boot up Europe's lazy, selfish, socialist azz to stir it out of its self-indulgent stupor, is pathetic demagoguery. If we're to spend time, effort, money, and manpower to provide comfort against Russia, while we are becoming more like the Euros in this country, that does not make for a good alliance.

I don't think we should be a part of NATO if trade is not free and the Euros depend more on us than themselves.

Actually, an alliance with Eastern European countries who are fervent in their desire to participate against a Russian threat would be, in my estimation, a healthier alliance than NATO as it has become.

Is the USA an important part of the
current world order?

When I mentioned the world order on this forum, it was dismissed by "liberals" as right wing kookiness. I think the USA is important, so long as it maintains its unique society based on the Declaration and its Constitution, world order or not. If we become like the rest of the world, we are of no particular importance as a country.

Should the USA be involved in issues outside our borders?
See above.
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