Thread: The anti Jim
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Old 07-15-2018, 04:56 PM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I don't know many idiots that are very effective. I guess he is doing a good job of making it easier to pollute, making affordable health care harder to access, undermining our allies, emboldening our enemies, eroding our institutions, weakening public trust and undermining the global economy.

Not sure any of this stuff is good for liberals or conservatives...perhaps that's why he's an effective idiot.

As for pulverizing the democrats, last time I checked the dems held a 10 point advantage in the mid-terms, a 75% chance of taking the house and every day another prominent conservative leaves the GOP. Trump has perhaps the biggest political scandal in the history of our nation hanging over him like a storm cloud about to erupt this fall.

But keep gaslighting yourself, it's fun to watch.
" don't know many idiots that are very effective"

I don't either. Ted Turner is one. Trump is another.

"last time I checked the dems held a 10 point advantage in the mid-terms"

So say the people who convinced many of us, including me and you, that Trump had no chance in 2016. I no longer assume those people have credibility. You do, as long as you like what they are saying.

You left out, predictably, any mention of the American economy, black unemployment, etc...When you focus on the bad things he's done (and there is no shortage) and pretend the good stuff never happened, he looks pretty bad. But that's not how we judge people, we judge them on everything, not just the good, not just the bad. One only ignores the good, when one is driven by ideology, rather than driven by honesty or fairness. Snack on that.
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