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Old 07-17-2018, 07:41 AM   #147
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
I met you long ago at a meet up at m and d's and respect you for what you have provided with the site, but you are dead wrong. Obama was always doing what he thought was best for the country. Same for Bush 1 and maybe even Reagan. Trump is treasonous and only does what he thinks is best for him. Anyone who still supports him can go to Guantanamo as a threat to the Homeland for the next decade or so as far as I am concerned. You say Obama's foreign policy was a disaster. This guy is legitimately the most dangerous thing to happen to our country in the 4 decades I have been alive.
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I've always been a fan of yours - other than your politics where we can generally disagree. I generally try not to hold people's politics against them as I do not think it is fair, nor is it just. Same with religion or any other important things because character is what counts.

I think Obama was a decent man, a good father, and a missed opportunity. If his politics were (a lot) more moderate I might have even been a fan. His politics were not and in many of his actions, he acted, ahem, stupidly.

He was President, and in charge from 2009-2017, during the Russian influence campaigns. His NatSec community were moving that info up the chain and he said to lay off. A dedicated and significant IC response was turned down. Remember he told Putty not to interfere. Sadly his lukewarm leading from behind did not inspire greatness nor instill fear into the Russian Mob Boss. If these bad things WRT to Trump happened and Obama knew about it (plus Clapper and Brennan) then there should be hell to pay.

So, yes, the Russian Campaign happened on his watch.

The dumpster fire of the Hillary server DOJ/FBI investigation happened on his watch. Leading from behind happened on his watch, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, happened on his watch. Not keeping China in check happened on his watch. Letting the Taliban know how long they had to wait us out was on his watch. The terrible Iran Nuclear Deal happened on his watch.

Letting a "regional power" like Russia dominate Foreign Policy in the Middle East, Europe, and here in the USA, happened on his watch. Horses and Bayonets and everything.

Bad things happened on his watch - we can debate how much was Obama's fault and how much would have occurred regardless, but he was the Captain of the ship.

So yes, Obama failed enough during is tenure to be a poor president IMO. No, he was not the worst ever as many would say nor was he the greatest President ever like his sycophants will FREQUENTLY chant. But if you want to send me to Gitmo because I am not being a sycophant for Obama, go ahead.

As I have stated many times, I had to chose between corrupted Hillary (who should have gone to jail for her server) and the marginally successful & terrible real estate magnate that probably has more negative ties to the Russian State Mob going back 20 years - and we still need PROOF from Mueller if he did something wrong and over a year in there is not (yet) proof.

Neither of these choices are ones I can live with so I wrote someone else in.

The 1980s called, they want their Leadership back.

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