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Old 07-23-2018, 04:10 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Seems you dont understand who's Tweets I am posting they are Solely From Trump.. he's the only one responsible for why he looks like a fool ...

Of course I knew that the tweets you posted were Trump's tweets. I said you constantly reported THOSE tweets which supposedly made him look foolish. Your selective reports had that intention.

Europe is having an "immigration" problem that is negatively impacting its established cultures, That problem is centered around massive Islamic immigration.

WOW can you post a bigger Lie or you are not well informed with Facts... but you have a bag full of Fear on most topics ...

It seems that you are the one filled with fear over what Trump does, says, is, will be, and what he will do to the country and the world. And I am well informed about the immigration problem in Europe. The EU is teetering on the edge of being broken up because of the immigration problem.

82.67 million (2016) The number of people with an immigrant background in Germany 18.6 million in 2016, largely due to an increase in refugees,

Yep they are destroying German Culture over night and I guess for you Mexicans are killings our established cultures, her in the USA

Where do you get that crap?

found this interesting Mesut Ozil is widely viewed as one of the most talented players on the German national soccer team. But he says his days of playing for Germany, the country he was born in, are over.

Ozil said that in the eyes of his detractors, "I am German when we win, but I am an immigrant when we lose."
Nice little anecdote. It may be an outlying fallout from the immigration problem. Or it may just be fickle soccer fans. Like those who love their heroes when they win and call them unflattering names when they lose. But it is not a refutation of there being an immigration problem.
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