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Old 07-23-2018, 09:49 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
You probably need to read up on your history. There were all kinds of similar "justifications." The Italians were fascists, they made there own neighborhoods and didn't integrate socially or religiously.

Did the police walk their beats? Did the fascists create grooming gangs that kidnapped thousands of young American girls for sex toys for Italians? Did they ask or demand that they be allowed to create fascist law that superseded US law? Were the fascist immigrants given social welfare perks? Did they have to pay their own way here? Were their girls killed if they associated with non-fascists?

The Irish, besides being consider low class drunks, had the Dead Rabbits and similar groups that did create portions of towns that terrorized and bred terrorism. They created no-go zone for the police and became the police.

Did the majority of Irish in those towns condone and support the hooligans? Was it part of being Irish, part of the Irish culture, part of Irish law, to create no go zones for non-Irish police, terrorize all who are not Irish, export that terrorism outside of their enclaves, demand that such Irish "code" supersede US and local law? Did they kill their daughters if they shamed them by intimately associating with non-Irish? Did they do anything similar in deed and scale such as kidnap thousands of non-Irish girls and "groom" them into being sex slaves? Were Irish immigrants given the kinds of perks to attract them coming here as is given to the Muslim immigrants in Europe, or even given to them here?

In all the cases, bigotry and stereotype supersedes reality.

There is something fundamentally different about Islam compared to the fundamental similarities of different ethnicities in Western culture? And it goes all the way into the core of being Muslim. And it is fundamentally antithetical to Western values. It is not just another case of ethnic quirks or limitations.

That said, I am sure the Russians have provided you plenty of information, so you might know more than I do. Heck, I didn't even know of Hillary's pizza shop until last summer when an in-law informed me about it and told me I would also vote for trump if I read all the things she had read about Hillary .
For sure. I have this locked in Russian connection. Believe me. Hillary and Pizza don't go together . . . on the other hand, she IS a kind of fascist.
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