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Old 07-24-2018, 09:33 AM   #41
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Many who claim they (immigrants ) dont Assimilate .. Feel Multi-ethnicity within a nation, is not awesome. Multiculturalism, is even worse. And any immigration is an invasion..

But what is Assimilation to theses people? Who don't understand the term or how it even works or what it looks like ....

what does Assimilation look like how is measured what level is considered acceptable??

How does an Immigrant Assimilate thats acceptable in America Today ??

The current climate: I feel the answer is anywhere . But here!
"And any immigration is an invasion"

Who is saying that legal immigration, done by people willing to assimilate, is bad? Who?

"what does Assimilation look like how is measured what level is considered acceptable?? "

FFS, look it up in the dictionary.

As far as Muslims go, it means letting girls go to school instead of enslaving them, not forcing them to dress like ninjas if they don't want to, and accepting duly constituted civil laws even when they conflict with your religion. Embracing the culture of your new country, instead of wanting to incinerate everyone who embraces that culture, would also be a good start.
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