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Old 07-24-2018, 10:17 AM   #44
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Wages have actually dropped since the tax cut was passed. Nearly all the tax cut benefits have gone to large shareholders. The corporate response to the trade war is overwhelmingly negative. Multi-nationals will be able to shift production (hurting American workers) but the smaller businesses and especially farmers are going to get hammered.

They say we're going to see a massive increase in GDP soon because corporations are stockpiling to prepare...then...

It seems like all of Trump's policy is so off the cuff nothing is thought out. We're just in an endless cycle of walk backs, reactionary counter measures and instability. This isn't a way to run a government.
"Wages have actually dropped since the tax cut was passed"

There are articles saying June 2018 was a big month for wage gain. I guess it depends on the agenda of the person answering the question. How does low unemployment, fail to help wages?

"Nearly all the tax cut benefits have gone to large shareholders"

The wealthy will ALWAYS disproportionately benefit when the economy improves. That cannot fail to happen. When the stock market soared during the Obama years, did that not benefit the wealthy more than the poor? Yet all fair people gave Obama credit, right? You have fun trying to explain the difference. Why was it terrific when income inequality increased during the Obama years, but as soon as Trump took the oath, income inequality is evil.

"The corporate response to the trade war is overwhelmingly negative"

That's true, and he is taking heat for that.

I see you made zero mention of unemployment. Hmmm, I wonder why?

You cannot win this one Spence, you can only expose the degree of your partisan bias.

"It seems like all of Trump's policy is so off the cuff nothing is thought out"

He beat (not by a close margin, either) the most inevitable candidate ever. The economy is soaring. Jihadists are on the run. And he nominated (from the perspective of most of his supporters) two spectacular Supreme Court picks.

He shoots from the hip without thinking, FAR too often. But he doesn't do it all the time. Again, you focus on the bad, and ignore the good (or try to make it seem like the good, isn't really all that good).

You did the exact opposite from 2009 - 2016. The exact opposite.

"This isn't a way to run a government"

His personal behavior is repugnant. As far as policy goes, I like most of what he's done, certainly not all. Unfortunately, character wasn't on the ballot in 2016. It was on the GOP ballot in 2008 and 2012, but the liberals and the media didn't respect it. They demonized it. So we nominated someone who, if he's effected at all by watching his opponents go berserk, it makes him ecstatic.

When you side decides to play fair, maybe the GOP will again nominate a person of character. As long as your side chooses to fight dirty, don't be shocked when we nominate someone who can handle it.
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