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Old 07-24-2018, 11:16 AM   #47
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
His method isn't hard to emulate:
Now my opponent, I have a nickname for him, I really shouldn't say this but, no I shouldn't say it. OK, I call him Big Baby Donny Bonespurs. I know it's not nice to make fun of someones aliments, but his seem to miraculously disappeared after the Vietnam War.
He told you he would solve all your healthcare issues, you would have the greatest healthcare ever, the best. What do you have, the highest healthcare costs in the world along with the highest pharmaceutical costs in the world, he's certainly made that the greatest, hasn't he? And how much more does your insurance cost now? Your kid has a congenital defect, well sorry you cant get insurance, should have thought of that before you had it.
Let's look at the National debt, When Baby Donny took over it was 4 Trillion less than it is now, but I thought he said he was going to cut it more than anyone else could. Just another Baby lie, I guess
Now let's look at infrastructure, Baby Donny knows how to build things, he can get things done for less, but so far he has produced nothing at all.
I really shouldn't talk about his morals, well actually i cant because he doesn't have any.
"The taxbreak that let you buy your camper will evaporate in a few years"

Says who?

I'll be making more then...we did think it through.

"Meanwhile the Deficit grows by the day"

Funny how people's concern for the deficit depends ENTIRELY on the party of the sitting POTUS. If you liked Obama's policies, you can't be a deficit hawk now. You just can't.

"Nor did you mention tariffs "

The hell I didn't. Trump is getting a lot of heat (fairly) for them. So now that I addressed that, can you admit that low unemployment is great, or not?

"He told you he would solve all your healthcare issues, you would have the greatest healthcare ever, the best"

He deserves criticism for failing to deliver, just as Obama deserves criticism for being cosmically wrong about lowering costs by $2500 a year, and being able to keep your doctor. Trump and the GOP blew healthcare, they just blew it. And many conservatives were furious about it.

If he fails to get an infrastructure plan through (as Obama failed) he deserves heat for that.

You don't have to convince me that Trump has serious flaws. I concede that. You are the ones that can't concede the good that he has done.
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