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Old 07-24-2018, 01:33 PM   #52
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
You assume that because i don't find Trump qualified or competent that i voted for Obama, you are incorrect.
Believe it or not, I and some other republicans will not have the wool pulled over our eyes by a con man who claims many things and produces few.
In one election cycle deficits have gone from bad to good in your view, your children and mine will not thank us for that.
"You assume that because i don't find Trump qualified or competent that i voted for Obama"

Never said a word about how you voted, not a word.

"I and some other republicans will not have the wool pulled over our eyes by a con man who claims many things and produces few. "

me either. I can accurately point out the good and the bad. You can't, by your own admission (you refused to concede that low unemployment is good, and you admitted that your refusal was based on a desire to not say anything complimentary of Trump) accept the good.

"In one election cycle deficits have gone from bad to good in your view"

Who said that? Obama added more to the deficit than Trump did, and he didn't put any money in my pocket by doing so. Trump is generating deficits, but at least helping almost everyone along the way.

You're a Republican? Right.....
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