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Old 07-25-2018, 09:01 AM   #74
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
You always get lost in But Obama
Obama's worked better than Bush's
Trump didn't start out in a hole
The republican Platform has never been Higher Deficits, Tariffs, Limiting political speech, Anti NATO
"You always get lost in But Obama"

And instead of telling me that I'm wrong when I point out hypocrisy, all you can do is say that there's no reason to go back to Obama. You can't make me wrong (because I'm clearly not wrong), so you"want to change the subject. Doesn't work that way.

"Obama's worked better than Bush's "

You might be right. See? Its possible to admit the other side is right.

"Trump didn't start out in a hole"

No he didn't. But the lower unemployment is, the more difficult it is, to get it lower. Same with the stock market. But the fact is (whether you hate it or not), unemployment is lower, and the stock market is higher, than when Trump took office.

Obama gets good marks from me on handling the economy. So does Trump. I can say that about both men, because I am not bound by partisanship, but motivated by truth.

"The republican Platform has never been Higher Deficits"

Not until Bush jr.

"Limiting political speech"

Let me get this straight. You are claiming that the GOP wants to silence those on the other side? No irony there, just ask Ben Shapiro or Ann Coulter.
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