Thread: Conrad Twitty
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Old 07-26-2018, 02:39 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Who are you referring to, exactly? Please tell me, who is denying that Trump routinely attacks the media? Not me, not only did I concede that, I said he deserves to be criticized for it.

"issues involving Trump are not made up "

I don't think they are made up either. As I have said, I agree with much of the criticism. I just wish you could also admit when he does good things, because you can't.

"but but but Obama or Clinton "

Here's the thing...if you don't want to get called out for obvious hypocrisy, don't engage in obvious hypocrisy.

I concede that Trump is a low life. You are the one denying reality. You deny he's doing some good things, and you deny that he gets called out for doing things that Obama did without criticism.

Jim I will refer to you directly as I hope you would to Me on a comment or issue if i think thats where you stand

I was speaking about a bigger National comments : not just here...
look at some directed at Bret Baier who defended the CNN reporter or some of the other FOX hosts Shepard Smith or Neil Cavuto the comments towards theses people from the Trump Faithful are amazing just look at breitbart or OAN ... their is a huge segment of the right willing to walk down a dangerous road in the name Trump ....
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