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Old 07-27-2018, 04:02 PM   #19
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
It took about 2 years after Reagan's second tax cut on the wealthy until start of a recession and about 2 1/2 for Bush 2.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device

Also, you asked why, I gave you investor concerns. Those weren't my opinions. You want to know why anyone might have concern, that is why. The high from the cocaine doesn't mean the cocaine is a great idea.

But the way, Also, you asked why, I gave you investor concerns. That is different then us just coming out and saying they are bad policies. You want us to agree with you so you can feel good about yourself. Find another source than this forum if you need your ego stoked.
"It took about 2 years after Reagan's second tax cut on the wealthy until start of a recession and about 2 1/2 for Bush 2."

And you provided exactly zero evidence that the tax cuts caused the recession. Maybe they helped delay the recession, maybe it made the recession less bad. I don't know. Neither do you. Obama also cut taxes, maybe those will be the cause of the next recession?

"Also, you asked why, I gave you investor concerns"

An article written by someone that neither of us has ever heard of.

I've never actually heard, until now, that high GDP growth was bad. If your pay or net worth increases, that's a bad sign?
What I see, are people who are so desperate to make this guy look bad, that if he says "two and two are four", you'd disagree.
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