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Old 07-30-2018, 08:55 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
If you go to her congressional district in Queens you will find that many people have 2 jobs to be able to afford to live there and that low unemployment is not that great if the available jobs are not good.
She also says we as a society should choose #1 to make Healthcare affordable for all and #2 public college tuition affordable for all.
Of course that is the simplistic answer, she is a political candidate not an economist.
You may think that those are unwise investments of tax dollars but look at how those dollars are currently spent and what we get for our investment as a society.
Do you also think she is incorrect about how Congress is bought and paid for?
I'm not denying that some people have to work two jobs. What I'm saying, is that when I take a second job, or a tenth job, unemployment does not decrease. It only decreases when I go from having zero jobs, to having more than zero jobs, whether I have 1 or 10 doesn't matter.

May come as a shock to you., but conservatives also want everyone to have great healthcare and access to affordable education. But we don't think it's as simple as the feds saying "it's now free", because that doesn't make it devoid of cost.

You make something more affordable by making it more efficient (in the case of college, there are WAY too many professors making boatloads of money for working barely part time hours). You don't make anything more efficient, by putting the feds in charge of it.
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