Thread: EPA my arse!
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Old 08-04-2018, 08:19 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
If you'd like to wind the clock back and enjoy what the state EPA's looked like going into the 1970's I'd love to join you.
Can you give me a complete, state by state analysis for the 1970's?

Are you of the opinion that states, communities, people cannot evolve to meet and solve problems without a central mastermind herding them, dictating to them how, what, and where?

Is it a given for you that the citizens and politicians of a state, or community, will forever continue to destroy themselves unless the central dictator from DC saves them?

If you think so little of people and their communities, what gives you faith in those who people the federal government? You don't like the current ones. The federal pols will not always be the ones you approve of. Not always be the ones who do what you want them to do.

There is the intention that the states are the laboratory of experiments for government policy. Models that work well will be copied. Those which fail, won't.
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