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Old 08-07-2018, 10:36 AM   #4
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Of course, when the GOP was desperate in 2008, we didn't engage in riots or claim that the Russians brainwashed us all into voting for Obama.

While there were some kooks who claimed he wasn't born here, the vast majority of the GOP went back to the business of improving the message, the Tea Party was created, and we opened up a can of whoop ass that has paid massive dividends ever since.
I thought you didn't like Rick Davis who was the architect of that? And now regrets it because of your next paragraph

The democrats take a different approach, blaming the Russians, embracing MS13, attacking Trump for continuing Obama's immigration policy of separating kids from parents, pretending the low unemployment is bad, nominating socialists and parading them around, parading around a fake Indian, claiming (for the first time in 10 years) that debt is bad, claiming (for the first time in 10 years) that a soaring stock market is bad because of income inequality, claiming (for the first time in 10 years) that using the nuclear option isn't democratic, and suggesting that letting Willie Horton use the ladies room if he feels like it, is a good idea.
"blaming the Russians"
The investigation is not over, is it?
"embracing MS13"
the Democrats no more embraced MS13 than Trumplicans embraced white supremacists
"attacking Trump for continuing Obama's immigration policy of separating kids from parents"
The Bush and Obama administrations policy was not to seperate ALL from their children as the policy was under the current administration
"pretending the low unemployment is bad"
I think the correct word would be claiming, much like Trump claimed that the unemployment numbers were false before he was elected
"nominating socialists and parading them around"
Some nominate a socialist or two, some nominate a white supremacist or child molester
"parading around a fake Indian"
The only parading done in that case is by Trumplicans claiming that 10 years ago she said, much like Obama's birth certificate or Trumps Swedish grandfather
"claiming (for the first time in 10 years) that debt is bad"
Asking why Trumps campaign promise that he would reduce the debt like no one else ever is false
"claiming (for the first time in 10 years) that a soaring stock market is bad because of income inequality"
Being concerned about income inequality and it's effects on our democratic society
"claiming (for the first time in 10 years) that using the nuclear option isn't democratic"
You got me, they made a stupid move five years ago
"suggesting that letting Willie Horton use the ladies room if he feels like it, is a good idea."
That's about the most prejudices you can possibly get into one statement

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