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Old 08-08-2018, 10:33 AM   #29
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
How about because of his promise to drain the swamp while ushering in one of the most corrupt administrations we've ever seen? How about undermining long-standing institutions like the FBI and freedom of the press? How about House Republicans failing to fulfill their oversight obligations and instead acting as the Presidents patsy? How about his abhorrent treatment of children and families at the border? How about his neglect of our national security failing to address election meddling? How about his dishonesty surrounding multiple affairs? How about his embrace of our adversaries while pissing on our allies?

I could go on for pages with this stuff and little of it has to do with partisan politics.

Have you seen his rallies lately? "I'd rather be Russian than a democrat" shirts, QAnon everywhere...if this is the future of the GOP be afraid.
"How about because of his promise to drain the swamp while ushering in one of the most corrupt administrations we've ever seen?"

That could well be...

"How about undermining long-standing institutions like the FBI'

There's your blind partisanship. Between the two of us, one of us has shown an ability to criticize his own side, and to give credit to the other side. From where I sit, the FBI and the DOJ earned some very harsh criticism. I wouldn't deliver the message the way Trump did, but the FBI/DOJ came across to me as Hilary's private investigators. Granted it was a small number of people, but they were in very key positions and behaved atrociously, and justice was the last thing they were after. In their own words for God's sake, their agenda was to stop Trump from getting elected. That choice is up to us, not to the DOJ or the FBI, and if that happened the other way around where the DOJ tried to sabotage Hilary's campaign, you'd shriek in horror, and you'd be correct to do so.

"freedom of the press?"

Again, there's your liberal=good, conservative=bad blindness. Again, Trump expresses himself very poorly in these situations, but the media deserves a lot more criticism than the FBI. The reason we give the press such special protections is because the founding fathers foresaw how important it is that citizens have access to the truth. That's "the truth". Not a rabid, bash-Trump-at-all-costs agenda, not a let's-get-democrats-elected-at-all-costs agenda, which is a good chunk of what's going on. If Fox is in the tank for the GOP, and everyone else is in the tank for the democrats, no one is getting the truth. The media isn't quite "the enemy of the people", but they deserve huge doses of criticism. They are pathetic.

'How about his abhorrent treatment of children and families at the border? "

Who even knows what that was, with websites posting photos that were actually taken during the Obama years, and TIME magazine running a fake photo on the cover? You yourself admitted that Obama also separated kids from parents, so to you the issue isn't the separation but the degree to which it's utilized, yet every single story I saw, 100% of them, decried separation in a general sense, not the fact that Trump was doing it more frequently. No truth to the reporting, no consistency to the liberal outrage. Zero.

"How about his neglect of our national security failing to address election meddling?"

Pretty sure the meddling in the 2016 presidential election, happened when your wet dream was still POTUS, so as a mere candidate, what did Trump have the authority to do? Not a whole lot. If your man-crush hadn't mocked Romney at the notion that Russia was a threat (atta boy, Columbo), perhaps the 2016 meddling would have been thwarted. But you blame someone who was a private citizen at the time, not the guy who was POTUS at the time. Brilliant.

"How about his dishonesty surrounding multiple affairs? "

Everyone who voted for him, already knew he was a sleaze. Nothing to change that since the election, why would that change the way anyone thought after they voted for him..

'I could go on for pages with this stuff and little of it has to do with partisan politics."

You are ever, ever not about partisan politics. Partisan politics are to you, what "the force" is to Luke Skywalker, it's your religion, and you are the high priest of that religion.

Not your best showing. I asked what we know about Trump now, that we didn't know on election night. I agree he has a long list of flaws, but we knew that on election night.
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