Thread: Laura Ingraham
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Old 08-12-2018, 09:26 AM   #1
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Laura Ingraham

“Because in some parts of the country, it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore,” Ingraham said. “Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people and they’re changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us don’t like. From Virginia to California, we see stark examples of how radically in some ways the country has changed. Now, much of this is related to both illegal and in some cases, legal immigration that, of course, progressives love.”

foisted :
impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on. Had to look that one up

Seems she got the support of like minded people ... now shes trying to put as much distance between Her and Them

“I want to start by addressing my commentary at the top of last night’s show,” she said. “A message to those who are distorting my views, including all white nationalists and especially one racist freak whose name I will not even mention. You do not have my support, you don’t represent my views and you are antithetical to the beliefs I hold dear.”

Thats a hard genie to put back in the bottle ... once its out
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