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Old 08-14-2018, 07:54 AM   #7
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These days you could always try the holiday roast on a hook and chain off the dock approach.

I have targeted sharks a little on the west coast. Once you catch a
couple it is sort of boring. Finding a spot they tend to frequent can
be the hardest part and once you get it dialed in, it is not so much if
you will catch one, but how big and how many.

Sharks are cool to catch and see up close but you often have to fight
them to exhaustion and I frankly dont like doing that with any fish.
Most sharks are pretty resilient, but I still prefer not to target
them. My surfcasting buddies out there would have sharking
nights...I would show up for the social part of it and leave the rod in
the car...just drink tequila on the beach and enjoy the
spectacle.....hahahaa...poor sharkie was just looking for a snack and
somehow ended up on the beach.
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