Thread: Opiods
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Old 08-22-2018, 04:12 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Sea Dangles View Post
To say no one cared about is racist. If these folks who struggled with dependency were minority’s they certainly have family and friends who cared. To call them nobody’s seems a bit harsh. Sometimes it’s not a black and white issue. Sometimes a republican or democrat is not at fault. Unfortunate circumstances have to be dealt with regardless of who holds office.
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My no one cared comment wasn't towards friends and family I should have been more clear ... But policy's and Money for treatment could be seen as racist along with the public view saw it as a inner city issue when in-fact minorities account for a tiny % of opioid related users in Massachusetts..the couldn't afford oxies or fund the explosion in usage of the pills... and the leap heroin. Over prescribing is a scape goat 90% of users started by stealing someone else's pills its was what kids were doing popping pills , not knowing the side effects )getting hooked ) then an 80 dollar oxy got quickly replaced by a 5 dollar bag of dope ... basic economics

Political pressure only started when voting districts with money who are mostly white started seeing the effects . and did a full frontal press starting on the topic . 6 years late.... the damage has been done all that can be done now is stop new users from picking up ... we used to never have old junkies . but now Narcan has taken all risk out of using now they feel if it goes bad Narcan will save them who needs AA or NA
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