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Old 08-22-2018, 12:34 PM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
This is a proposal for a bill, not written legislation.
Warren is a politician, of course she would propose things that are somewhat weighted to her perceived constituents advantage.
It still has to go thru the legislative process, where things get added and subtracted, at least in theory all legislators get to weigh in on it.
You find something that you think could be objectionable, with no basis and complain about it, claiming that you are sure some group or individual you object to would get an unfair advantage.
As far as math goes feel free to divide the $757 million by 6 to come up with an approximate number for how much labor unions donate in this case, all I did was try to illustrate that Labor unions are nowhere near as powerful as some think. If you think there is some secret money, feel free to show me.
Warren has her big donors too, including Wall Street and well connected law firms. How come it's OK when she takes donations from corporations, but sinister when everyone else does it?

And for once, instead of you posting an article, how about you tell me what you think about it.
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